Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Sincere Ignorance and Conscitentious Stupidity"


Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Martin Luther King Jr.


The above quote by Martin Luther King Jr. could be applied to so many aspects of our world - including animal care and animal rescue.  Want some examples?  Bet you have lots of your own - even some personal ones that could be examined and corrected?

"Oh I don't think __________happens here."  "We aren't that kind of community where there would be _________________(abuse? puppy mill? dog fighting? hoarding?)!"

"They are just dumb animals, they don't feel or understand anything..."

"My property, I can do with it what I wish - you can't stop me"

"Of course a puppy needs to be shown who is boss, that cowering shows they respect you."

"That shelter finds homes for all of their animals, they don't actually euthanize any."

"That's a religious community, they wouldn't run puppy mills."

"That's an important person in the community (sports, media, entertainment) they couldn't abuse animals."

"There is a lot of people helping with those animals, they don't need me."

"What can I do?" and for too many this last question, instead of moving them forward to action, stalls them out. They watch infomercials, they read the news but still do not see that they may have a place in doing some real helping.  

Talk to a rescuer, talk to a shelter volunteer, talk to someone who has adopted and they will tell you that any of the above, and more horrifying ones, have not only been heard but too often and in too many places.

They've seen the sad eyes, the flinches, the cowering and the fear. They've seen the aggression from animals who are lashing out due to fear or the need to survive. They've put in countless hours caring for sores, talking softy in  frozen or maimed ears, spent days and days encouraging a dog to touch grass for the first time in its life.

When someone wants to pretend that animal and human abuse doesn't happen they are having a holiday floating on DeNial, the cruise may be quite lengthy but always ends in reality, even for a short 'port of call'.

What can we do?  What can you do?  Simply: what you can!

Steinbach & Area Animal Rescue has no shelter building - we foster our animals so they have a home.  We have a network of other rescues we work with across Canada and the US to ensure that there is always someplace for animals to go.  We give of our time, we give of our homes and our love.  Some cannot foster - they do fundraising, they offer transport, they advocate to the media, they work with people to increase their understanding of better pet care.  

The thing about doing 'just one thing' is that if we all did 'just one thing' so many amazing things would get done because everyone would be doing something - rather than wondering what or considering who or even deciding not to.  

Have you wondered how the guys of Rescue Ink, Sally at Hull's Haven and so many others started down their path?  Was it one thing or a culmination of many?  What was it for you?  Next time you visit a shelter or a rescue ask them.  Ask why they are there - you'll meet some amazing people and hear some amazing stories. Some will hearten you and others will break your heart.

Join a group or ten on Facebook!  Volunteer to drive a leg of a relay or transport!  Offer your time and support in whatever way you can...you'll be surprised how good it feels.  And you'll be helping in many ways - including reducing the danger of  "sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity"!

Sometimes it can be as easy as cross posting a lost dog notice or a need for a foster...anyone can give a click!  Start with a click and then follow a link and see where it takes you...and I'll see you along the way!  

*Photo borrowed with thanks from Hull's Haven Border Collie Rescue Facebook Album.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stories to Warm Your Heart

Here are some stories for you to check out, about hard working rescuers who have big hearts, amazing animals who can teach us more than we think and help rescue people...and more happy tails!  Share yours here - send me a comment or an email!

A Home For Patches: Thanks To A Caring Pilot

What Can One Person Do? Amazing things...
On a personal note, with 'just one thing' many people have helped bring many many animals home - including the four at our home...

Rescue Dogs on their way to Haiti

Rescue Ink Stories

Hull's Haven Happy Tails
Be sure to watch the video of Riddle's Song - amazing! 

Bilingual Border Collie

And so we don't forget the animals impacted by the events in Haiti here is some more 'good news':

"Together, the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) will be working on the ground to help the animals in Haiti. We have developed the Animal Relief Coalition for Haiti (ARCH) to assist in the response efforts, and all animal welfare organizations are invited to join the ARCH and direct their financial support to the coalition.

Our teams will be working out of a mobile clinic which has been donated to us by the Antigua and Barbuda Humane Society. WSPA and IFAW have pledged funds to fully outfit this mobile clinic, and it will be shipped from Antigua to our member society, Sociedad Dominicana Para la Protección de Animales (SODOPRECA), in the Dominican Republic for them to drive across the border into Haiti."

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A thought for the new year...

Linda Colucci "Until people are killed for lack of space, I'll keep putting the animals first. Until people are tortured and murdered on the scale animals are, I'll keep putting animals first. Until people make me smile the way animals do, I'll keep putting animals first." ~ Animal Outreach

Without shame I admit I borrowed that from a Facebook Friend who is also an animal rescuer, foster mom to critters and a super awesome advocate for animals...something to consider.  When we put those without a voice first, we become more empathetic to the world around us...and that is not a bad thing!

Be sure to check out the Facebook Page for SAAR http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=160458909296&ref=ts and download your FREE animal emergency window signs, see which animals are available for adoption or fostering from the many other rescues and groups, including the good folks at the Dauphin Vet Clinic.  Chat it up, share your stories and photos...let people know that your animals matter!