Friday, November 6, 2009

What would you do?

Here is a question, which will probably become a poll on our Facebook group and I hope a starting place for a serious discussion...

"What would you do if you had knowledge of, or witnessed, animal abuse or cruelty?"

Do you know? Have you any thoughts on how you would react, who you would call? This question comes to mind today at the end of Shelter Week (supporting the adoption of shelter animals) and the posting of the news story about the Calgary puppy beaten and left in an animal hospital parking lot.

Are you aware that people who abuse animals are more likely to abuse people? That someone who feels ownership and the need for physical domination of animals will also, most likely, do the same to people around them?

What would you do? Are you going to work in the dark places like the guys from Rescue Ink (by the way their show in Canada will air on National Geographic Channel beginning Tuesday November 10 at 10 pm EST, running for six consecutive weeks. We will also run episodes 1-4 as part of Best of National Geographic on Sunday November 15 at 12-4pm, 7-11pm and 12-4am, all times EST.)

What would you do? Volunteer at a shelter? Work with a rescue as a foster home or relay driver? Would you speak out on your social networking profiles and in your blogs?

Are you willing to demand that your city or municipal council update and obey their own animal control by-laws? Are you willing to speak out and say what needs to be said for the animals?

Do you know that there are laws and acts that protect animals? That there are people you can call who will get the ball rolling to care for animals?

What would you do? Comment on this blog, share on our Facebook group, speak out and tell us what would you do...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Good for you! You clicked on this blog because you care about animals. Welcome to the newly minted Steinbach & Area Animal Rescue. More goodies will be posted as we go along, such as links to great animals (including photos of Steinbach & Area Animals) who are looking for their forever home. We will have some awesome features, links and guest bloggers who will share with you about rescue and the joys of adopting a companion animal for your family. We are on Facebook, so please join the group there as well.

You may ask, "Why?" and the answer is quite simple - because the animals need us. Because we care about animals, and care enough to speak out for them, to work hard for them and to work with other local and regional rescue groups to become a stronger network of rescuers across Manitoba. We applaud and support the work of rescue groups. The two dogs in this picture came from two different adoptions, and both are important parts of our family and we love both Sam and Feathers. Want to know where they came from? Click on their names and learn more!

Other sites to look at will be featured and interviews and guest bloggers will be invited to share. This is your blog too! Comment, post and provide feedback...